Monday 18 April 2011

An Unrealistic Perfection

By Ceu Cristina Casimiro
In today’s society we are bombarded with images and pressure from the media. The media is portraying a “perfection” of women and stereotypes, which in reality is unrealistic and does not exist. Having these high standards and social pressures to achieve “perfection” has really had a negative impact on woman today.  Too many young girls today believe they are overweight and suffer from depression. All of this media pressure has caused woman to put their health and their lives at risk as more and more woman every year are suffering from anorexia and bulimia. There are too many stereotypes, such as models have to be thin that are constantly surrounding us, which eventually causes us to believe that they are true.  We need to help these girls and show them that they are looking up to and trying to achieve a “perfection” that is not there. Below is a video to show us girls that all those celebrities and models we look up to are not as perfect as they appear in photos and magazines. Behind all the makeup and plastic surgery procedures they are average woman just like the rest of us. We need to change our way and society’s way of thinking. Beauty is much more than a pretty face and a nice figures, true beauty is more than skin deep. So stop comparing and idolizing their “perfection” and realize how beautiful you are! 

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